After 9 1/2 hours of work, cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, and playing the wii with FI... I'm finally sitting down to make my wedding (correction, our wedding) bio.  I'm most excited about the DIY section.  I'm addicted to creating now.  The problem is that I'm adding more projects than I'll be able to finish, so at some point I'm going to have to make some cuts.  I'm just so excited about all of it, it's hard to make those decisions.  I also know that when I get laid off over the holidays it will give me something to occupy my time.  So for now I'm reluctant to remove anything from my DIY To Do, however, I'm sure it's coming.  Oh well, enough time spent on this project tonight.  Time for bed and more dreams about eloping.

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    First time bride and who has possibly gotten in over my head with the DIY projects.


    November 2010



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